What is the best anti-Hornets and Wasps treatment?

When sunny days arrive, we are often accompanied by the annoying presence of hornets and wasps, which can disrupt our outdoor activities and pose a risk to our safety. Faced with this challenge, methods and numerous products are available, including those suggested in our store, to ward off or eliminate these unwanted insects. We will review the different hornet and wasp treatment options to help you choose the best solution to protect your home and family.

What is a Hornet?

The European hornet is a carnivorous insect. It is a social wasp, but it is three times larger than a wasp. It feeds mainly on flies, an advantage for the environment. It can also attack other insects, such as butterflies, wasps, caterpillars, grasshoppers, locusts, bees, etc. Thanks to its strong mandibles, the hornet is capable of decapitating its prey before devour.
The hornet builds its nest in trunks, tree stumps, attics, chimneys, etc. It covers it with a fairly thick, brown covering.

What can the Hornet cause?

There is nothing particularly toxic about the hornet's venom, but the stings generally cause a simple local reaction (swelling, itching) which is not dangerous except in the case of stings in certain areas of the body such as the eyes or multiple stings.

What attracts a Hornet?

The hornet is more attracted to sweet foods.
While Wasps, the presence of a bouquet of lavender has a radical effect in keeping them away. Also that certain plants have a repellent effect on wasps, as is the case with tomatoes and mint, so place tomato leaves, mint, sprigs of thyme and cloves on the table, in order to to get rid of. 

What kind of insect is a wasp?

The wasp is an insect that is often unwanted because it can be aggressive, especially when looking for food. It is a carnivore unlike the bee and is naturally predatory.

Why do Wasps attack? 

A wasp stings to defend itself when it has been disturbed or feels threatened. And its sting is painful, and even dangerous for people allergic to its venom. It can sting several times, unlike the bee which stings once and dies.

Controlling hornets and wasps requires a carefully planned approach to be effective and environmentally responsible. There is no single “best” treatment applicable to all situations, but rather a range of options to consider depending on the specific context.
Here are some commonly used methods:

Selective Traps: Traps can be set to capture founding queens before they begin building nests. These traps must be selective to minimize the impact on other insects.

Elimination of nests: Locating and destroying nests is an effective method. This may involve the use of specific insecticide products, such as our product, generally applied in the evening or early morning when the insects concerned are in their nests.

This fight also requires a preventive and reactive approach to minimize their presence and the risks of attacks such as:

Prevention: Eliminate food sources like leftover food and sugary drinks outside. Make sure trash cans are tightly closed.

Reaction: For accessible nests, the use of a specific insecticide may be effective. The use of our anti-Hornets and Wasps product is strongly recommended for guaranteed effectiveness.

Who can eliminate these insects?

Usually, it is advisable to call on a professional to kill Hornets and Wasps for fear of being attacked, but in another case, with the use of the Anti Hornets and Wasps Product, even a non-professional can achieve this. by taking some distance from the nest or place where the Hornets or Wasps are located. Please note that, even with these few distances, the Spray will have its effect, you just need to follow the precautions indicated on the product packaging in order to avoid any danger.

We therefore invite you to consult our anti Hornets and Wasps treatment which acts effectively and safely and you can place your order.