How do you know when Hornets and Wasps are in season?

Hornets and wasps are harmful insects that can cause painful and even dangerous stings for some people. To effectively protect yourself against these insects, it is important to know their period of activity and to know when they are most active. Knowledge of hornet and wasp season is essential for effective management of these unwanted insects. Knowing when they are most active can help take necessary preventative measures to protect the home and garden. 

The life cycle of hornets and wasps

Hornets and wasps have an annual life cycle that begins in spring and ends in fall. In spring, queens emerge from hibernation and begin building their nests and laying eggs. The workers then emerge and take charge of feeding the larvae and enlarging the nest. In late summer, males and new queens appear and mate. The males and workers die when winter arrives, while the newly fertilized queens go into hibernation until the following spring.

Here are some indications determining the hornet and wasp season: 

  • Spring

Spring is usually the start of hornet and wasp season. After overwintering in protected locations, the founding queens of hornet and wasp colonies emerge in search of suitable nesting sites. This is when it is most likely to spot the first individuals, looking for places to build their nests. 

  • Summer

Summer is the most active time for hornets and wasps. Colonies grow rapidly during this season, with workers taking on the task of collecting food and building new nests. This is also the time when interactions with humans are most frequent, as hornets and wasps seek out sweet food sources to fuel the colony. 

  • Autumn

As temperatures begin to drop, hornet and wasp colonies reach their peak and begin to decline. New queens and males are produced to ensure the survival of the species, while workers gradually cease their activities. This is when we can see an increase in wandering hornets and wasps, looking for food before winter arrives. 

  • Winter

In winter, hornets and wasps become less active. Colonies gradually die off, except for new queens who look for places to overwinter until the following spring. During this time, hornets and wasps are less likely to cause problems, but abandoned nests can still pose a risk, especially if they are near homes. 

Hornet and wasp season 

Hornet and wasp season depends on several factors, such as geographic region, climate and weather conditions. In general, hornets and wasps are most active during the warmer months of the year, which is June to October in the Northern Hemisphere.

However, hornet and wasp season can vary depending on species and region. For example, the Asian hornet is active earlier in the season than the European hornet, and can be present as early as February in some regions. 

Factors that influence the activity of hornets and wasps

Hornet and wasp activity depends on several factors, such as temperature, humidity and food availability. Hornets and wasps are most active when temperatures are high and humidity is low. They are also more active when food is plentiful, especially sources of sugar such as ripe fruits and sugary drinks.

Signs of the presence of hornets and wasps

To know if hornets and wasps are active in an area, it is important to watch for signs of their presence. The most common signs are:

  • Presence of nests: Hornets and wasps build papier-mâché nests in trees, bushes, buildings and underground cavities.
  • Buzzing: Hornets and wasps emit a characteristic buzzing sound when they fly.
  • Stings: Hornets and wasps can sting multiple times and cause allergic reactions in some people.

Observation and vigilance 

To accurately determine hornet and wasp season in your area, it is important to remain vigilant and observe their activity throughout the year. Keep an eye out for the first individuals in spring, note peaks of activity during summer, and watch for signs of decline in fall. This observation will help you take the appropriate steps to protect your home and garden from these insects all year round. 

To effectively protect yourself against these insects, it is important to watch for the signs of their presence and take the necessary measures to keep them away from your living space.

If nests are present, we recommend that you use the anti-Hornet and Wasp treatment for effective and safe elimination.